Nan has an incredible smile and is a positive light to those around her. Pictured: Diaper Clutch
Soft instrumental music plays in the background as I sit down to interview Nan Whitney, Moss & Marsh’s first Mom of the Month. Her three children play together in the next room: Brynn (4), and the twins, Sadie and Landon (22 Months). She is currently 14 weeks pregnant with her next baby! Add all that comes with being a mom to three plus being a pastor's wife and you've got a super-mom.
The whole family! Photo taken by Stefani Ashley Photography in October 2015.
In one word how would you describe your mothering style?
(she laughs) Oh goodness… that’s really difficult… semi-structured.
What is your biggest struggle as a mom?
Discipline. It’s the hardest, hands down.
On a smaller scale, what are the daily struggles?
Keeping the kids alive— just kidding. Probably finding activities for them everyday, so they’re not just watching TV all the time.
What is the highlight of your day?
Bedtime! (she laughs) No, nap-time. It’s nice to have some downtime when the kids are asleep.
What keeps you focused and energized?
Exercise, prayer and time with Jesus, spending time with other moms.
What is something you didn’t expect about having twins?
That’s hard— I read a lot about it before I had them. It was probably keeping them both on the same schedule. I didn’t expect it to be so difficult.
What’s your favorite rainy day activity?
Besides TV and movies? (she laughs) I like to try and get the children to participate in little craft projects like make your own PlayDough- that's a great project that the kids can keep playing with too.
Favorite “Mom Hack”?
Pyrex dish microwave eggs. Instructions here!
What’s your go-to weekday meal?
Frozen fish sticks or chicken tenders, veggies, sweet potato fries. I love making casseroles too.
Finally, what is the best tip you would give a new mom?
Make sure to take time for yourself to re-energize. It helps you be a better mom when you take a break.
Sadie relaxing in the triple stroller. Pictured: Swaddle Blanket
Did you learn something from Nan? Or somehow feel like you're not alone in this #momlife thing? Let us know what you think! Thanks for reading and check back next month for another super-mom!